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PHT - Platinum Harmonized Technology

The recovery wear was developed by the collaborative project between the government of prefecture Kanagawa and Venex Co., aimed to create an innovative cloth which supports human body arousing its capability of self-recovery.

PHT (Platinum Harmonized Technology), mixed in the Recovery Wear's textile, supports your body to be in the para-sympathetic (relaxing) mode, and leads to ideal body condition to remove your fatigue. In addition to preventing excessive cooling down of the muscle, loosing up of muschle and reducing tactic acid are also expected function by only putting on the cloth.

PHT (Platinum Harmonized Technology)

PHT is a technology, manufacutured on the basis of specifically processed platinum. Although study regarding the mechanism of PHT is still being carried on today, its efficient virtue has already been proved by various experiments.

PHT - Platinum Harmonized Technology als PDF-Datei
Weitere Sporttechnologien von Venex Co.,Ltd.
The recovery wear was developed by the collaborative project between the government of prefecture Kanagawa and Venex Co., aimed to create an innovative cloth which supports human body arousing its capability ... mehr

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