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Studiengang Sports Engineering


Sports Engineering

4 Years
Department of Mechanical Engineering
  • An individual tailored offer may be made dependent on achievement, potential and motivation evident in UCAS application and interview.
  • GCE/VCE A Levels - 340 points (AAB) from 3 A Levels, or 2 A Levels and 2 AS Levels
  • Scottish Highers - 340 points from four subjects including Advanced Higher Mathematics and a laboratory-based Science
  • Irish Leaving Certificate - 340 points including 77 and 64 in Mathematics and a laboratory-based Science at higher level
  • BTEC National Diploma - 320 points from 18 units including Distinction in Further Maths
  • International Baccalaureate - 32 points including 6 HL Maths and Physics
  • Subject Requirements - GCE A Level Mathematics. You will also need GCE A Level Design and Technology, or a laboratory-based Science, or a grade B in AS Level Physics.
Sports Engineering is designed for those who want to gain mechanical engineering skills and apply them in a sports environment.

The sports equipment and apparel market is worth around £16 billion a year in the UK alone, with the major multinational companies turning over more than a £1 billion each. It is a growing business, and it needs high calibre graduates with the skills to design, produce and market the next generation of sports products.

By choosing this course you'll gain mechanical engineering skills and be able to apply them to a sports environment. The sporting equipment and apparel market is highly profitable, with major multinational companies turning over more than one billion pounds each. It's a growing business, and it needs high calibre graduates with the skills to design, produce and market the next generation of sports products.

During the first two and a half years you'll follow a core syllabus aimed at developing the essential skills and knowledge in the fundamentals of mechanical engineering, structure and behaviour of the human body, sports management and mathematics. These are integrated through laboratory sessions, design projects, group work and tutorials.

For the final one and a half years you can choose from a wide range of advanced modules. This enables you to study the areas of most interest to you and to prepare for your initial career.

In year three there is a group sports design project and during year four you'll undertake a major individual sports related project.

There is a degree of flexibility to change between our courses at the end of the first year, by agreement with the department.

This four-year MEng is fully accredited by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) and meets the latest requirements for entry to the profession as a Chartered Engineer (CEng). Full CEng status will require appropriate experience working as a graduate engineer.

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